Poems from Maria Elizarraras

I am currently a junior in High School in Idaho (I'm actually from Los Angeles). I very much enjoy writing. I also enjoy watching youtubers when I am supposed to be doing math homework on long and synthetic division, plus creating new things like poems and making thoughts into something to contemplate about when I look into my own eyes in the mirror and see the darkness and emptiness of my soul.
You know... I have arms, legs, a fully constructed face
I'm alive and am gladly apart of the imperfect human race
I don't suffer from...
Pinterest, tumblr, FacebookThis is not the face you saw online, but lookInstragram, Twitter, SnapchatYou really think I look like thatI...
This face you see
It isn't really me
Why don't you talk
Because I talk a lot
Let me hear your voice
No, that's a foolish choice
You might...
It's dark, cold, and gloomyI can feel life leave through meThe sky is darkeningI can feel the brightness lurkingThe memories I seeAll of...